vendredi 14 avril 2017

Stéphane Guivarc'h - Detailed stats in European Cups

Stéphane Guivarc'h - AJ Auxerroise

Stéphane Guivarc'h - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches with Association Jeunesse Auxerroise.

UEFA Cup 1995-1996
 1.  Nottingham Forest       (H, S, 77)         0-1
 2.  Nottingham Forest       (A, S, 81)         0-0

UEFA Cup 1997-1998
 3.  Deportivo La Coruña     (A, T, 90)         2-1         1 goal  (84/ 2-0)
 4.  Deportivo La Coruña     (H, T, 90)         0-0
 5.  OFI Heraklion           (H, T, 90)         3-1         2 goals (51, 90/ 2, 3-1)
 6.  OFI Heraklion           (A, T, 90)         2-3         1 goal  (37/ 1-0)
 7.  FC Twente               (A, T, 90)         1-0
 8.  FC Twente               (H, T, 90)         2-0         1 goal  (78p/ 2-0)
 9.  Lazio                   (A, T, 90)         0-1
10.  Lazio                   (H, T, 90)         2-2         2 goals (39, 80/ 1-2, 2-2)

Results by season:
1995-1996: eliminated in the Second Round of the UEFA Cup by Nottingham Forest.
1997-1998: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup by Lazio.

Individual stats:
10 matches/ 7 goals in UEFA Cup.
Top scorer of the UEFA Cup in 1998 with 7 goals (joint with Arveladze and ahead of Ronaldo, 6 goals).

© Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

AJA-Lazio 1998, Guivarc'h 2 buts : un coup-franc et un coup de tête.
Guivarch two goals : one free-kick and one header.


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