dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Preben Elkjaer Larsen - Detailed stats in the European Cups

Elkjaer in Verona

Preben ELKJAER LARSEN - Matches and goals in the European Cups.

Matches 1-3 with 1. FC Köln. Matches 4-20 with Sporting Lokeren. Matches 21-31 with Verona. Matches # 32 and 33 with Vejle BK.

UEFA Cup 1976-1977            
 1.  Grasshoppers Zürich      (A, T, 90)        3-2      2 goals (58, 79/ 2-0, 3-1)
 2.  Queens Park Rangers      (A, T, 90)        0-3
 3.  Queens Park Rangers      (H, S, 76)        4-1

UEFA Cup 1980-1981
 4.  Dinamo Moskva            (H, T, 90)        1-1
 5.  Dinamo Moskva            (A, T, 90)        1-0
 6.  Dundee United            (A, T, 90)        1-1
 7.  Dundee United            (H, T, 90)        0-0
 8.  Real Sociedad            (H, T, 90)        1-0
 9.  Real Sociedad            (A, T, 90)        2-2      2 goals (21, 49/ 1, 2-0)
10.  AZ '67 (Alkmaar)         (H, T, 90)        1-0

UEFA Cup 1981-1982
11.  FC Nantes                (A, T, 90)        1-1
12.  FC Nantes                (H, T, 90)        4-2      2 goals (20, 69/ 1, 4-0)
13.  Aris Saloniki            (A, T, 90)        1-1      1 goal  (53/ 1-0)
14.  Aris Saloniki            (H, T, 90)        4-0
15.  1. FC Kaiserslautern     (H, T, 90)        1-0
16.  1. FC Kaiserslautern     (A, T, 90)        1-4

UEFA Cup 1982-1983
17.  Stal Mielec              (A, T, 90)        1-1
18.  Stal Mielec              (H, T, 90)        0-0
19.  SL Benfica               (A, T, 90)        0-2
20.  SL Benfica               (H, T, 90)        1-2

Champions Cup 1985-1986
21.  PAOK Saloniki            (H, T, 90)        3-1      2 goals (13, 85/ 1-0, 2-1)
22.  PAOK Saloniki            (A, T, 90)        2-1      2 goals (29, 72/ 1-1, 2-1)
23.  FC Juventus              (H, T, 90)        0-0
24.  FC Juventus              (A, T, 90)        0-2

UEFA Cup 1987-1988
25.  Pogon Szczecin           (A, T, 47)        1-1      1 goal  (8/ 1-0)
26.  Pogon Szczecin           (H, T, 80)        3-1      2 goals (32, 39p/ 1, 2-0)
27.  FC Utrecht               (A, T, 90)        1-1
28.  FC Utrecht               (H, T, 90)        2-1
29.  Sportul Studentesc       (H, T, 90)        3-1      1 goal  (81p/ 3-1)
30.  Sportul Studentesc       (A, T, 90)        1-0      1 goal  (69)
31.  Werder Bremen            (H, T, 90)        0-1

UEFA Cup 1990-1991
32.  FC Admira-Wacker         (H, T, 90)        0-1
33.  FC Admira-Wacker         (A, T, 46)        0-3



Results by season:

1976-1977: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 3rd Round of the UEFA Cup by Queens Park Rgs.
1980-1981: eliminated in Quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup by AZ '67.
1981-1982: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 3rd Round of the UEFA Cup by K'lautern.
1982-1983: eliminated in the Second Round of the UEFA Cup by Benfica.
1985-1986: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 2nd Round of the Champions Cup by Juventus.
1987-1988: eliminated in Quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup by Werder Bremen.
1990-1991: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by Admira-Wacker, Wien.


Best results and stats:

The best results are 2 quarter-finals in UEFA Cup ('81 and '88).
4 matches/ 4 goals in Champions Cup. 29 matches/ 12 goals in UEFA Cup.

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