jeudi 19 novembre 2015

Gino Stacchini - Detailed stats in European Cups

Gino Stacchini

Gino Stacchini - Matches and goals in the European Cups.

All matches with FC Juventus Torino.

Champions Cup 1958-1959
 1.  Wiener Sport-Club          (H, T, 90)            3-1
 2.  Wiener Sport-Club          (A, T, 90)            0-7

Champions Cup 1961-1962
 3.  Panathinaikos              (A, T, 90)            1-1
 4.  FK Partizan                (A, T, 90)            2-1
 5.  FK Partizan                (H, T, 90)            5-0           1 goal  (67/ 5-0)
 6.  Real Madrid CF             (H, T, 90)            0-1
 7.  Real Madrid CF             (A, T, 90)            1-0
 8.  Real Madrid CF             (N*, T, 90)           1-3

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1963-1964
 9.  OFK Beograd                (A, T, 90)            1-2           1 goal  (17/ 1-0)
10.  OFK Beograd                (H, T, 90)            1-0
11.  Atlético Madrid            (H, T, 90)            1-0           1 goal  (30)

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1964-1965
12.  Stade Français             (A, T, 90)            0-0
13.  Lokomotiv Plovdiv          (H, T, 90)            1-1
14.  Lokomotiv Plovdiv          (A, T, 90)            1-1
15.  Atlético Madrid            (H**, T, 90)          3-1           1 goal  (34/ 1-1)
16.  Ferencvarosi TC            (H, T, 90)            0-1

Cup Winners Cup 1965-1966
17.  Liverpool FC               (H, T, 90)            1-0

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1966-1967
18.  NK Dinamo Zagreb           (H, T, 90)            2-2           1 goal  (77/ 2-2)
19.  NK Dinamo Zagreb           (A, T, 90)            0-3

*: played in Parc des Princes, Paris, France.
**: tie break or replay played at home in Stadio Communale, Turin.

Results by season:

1958-1959: eliminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by Wiener Sport-Club.
1960-1961: eliminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by CDNA Sofia.
1961-1962: eliminated in Quarter-finals of the Champions Cup by Real Madrid.
1963-1964: Juventus is eliminated in Quarter-finals of the Fairs Cup by Real Zaragoza. Without Stacchini.
1964-1965: beaten in the Fairs Cup's Final by Ferencvaros.
1965-1966: eliminated in the First Round of the Cup Winners Cup by Liverpool.
1966-1967: eliminated in Quarter-finals of the Fairs Cup by Dinamo Zagreb.

Best results and stats:

Runner-up of the Fairs Cup in 1965.
8 matches/ 1 goal in Champions Cup. 10 matches/ 4 goals in Fairs Cup. 1 match/ no goals in Cup Winners Cup.
1 goal in Fairs Cup Semi-finals (in 1965 against Atlético de Madrid).

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