lundi 1 février 2016

Dragan Pantelic - Detailed stats in European Cups.

Dragan Pantelic (goalkeeper) - Matches and goals in the European Cups.

Matches 1-6 with FK Radnicki Nis. Matches 7-10 with FC Girondins de Bordeaux.

UEFA Cup 1980-1981
 1.  Linzer ASK         (A, T, 90)          2-1          1 goal  (64p/ 2-1)
 2.  Linzer ASK         (H, T, 90)          4-1
 3.  PFC Beroe          (A, T, 90)          1-0
 4.  PFC Beroe          (H, T, 90)          2-1
 5.  AZ '67 (Alkmaar)   (H, T, 90)          2-2          1 goal  (46p/ 1-1)
 6.  AZ '67 (Alkmaar)   (H, T, 90)          0-5

UEFA Cup 1981-1982
 7.  Vikingur Reykjavik (A, T, 90)          4-0
 8.  Vikingur Reykjavik (H, T, 90)          4-0
 9.  Hamburger SV       (H, T, 90)          2-1
10.  Hamburger SV       (A, T, 90)          0-2


Results by season:

1980-1981: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 3rd Round of the UEFA Cup by AZ '67 Alkmaar.
1981-1982: eliminated in the Second Round of the UEFA Cup by Hamburger SV.

Individual stats:

10 matches/ 2 goals in UEFA Cup.

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