jeudi 17 mars 2016

Davor Šuker - Detailed stats in European Cups

Davor Suker - Sevilla FC

Davor ŠUKER - Matches and goals in the European Cups.

Matches 1-3 for NK Dinamo Zagreb. Matches 4-9 for Sevilla FC. Matches 10-21 for Real Madrid CF. Matches 22-34 for Arsenal FC.

UEFA Cup 1990-1991
 1.  Atalanta                (A, T, 87)            0-0
 2.  Atalanta                (H, T, 90)            1-1

UEFA Cup 1991-1992
 3.  Trabzonspor             (A, T, 90)            1-1

UEFA Cup 1995-1996
 4.  Botev Plovdiv           (H, T, 90)            2-0         2 goals (29, 33)
 5.  Botev Plovdiv           (A, T, 90)            1-1
 6.  Olympiakos              (H, T, 90)            1-0
 7.  Olympiakos              (A, T, 120)           1-2 a.e.t   1 goal  (110/ 1-2)
 8.  FC Barcelona            (H, T, 90)            1-1         1 goal  (45/ 1-0)
 9.  FC Barcelona            (A, T, 90)            1-3

Champions League 1997-1998
10.  Rosenborg BK            (H, T, 58)            4-1        
11.  FC Porto                (A, T, 60)            2-0
12.  Olympiakos              (H, T, 90)            5-1         2 goals (31, 65/ 1-1, 3-1)
13.  Olympiakos              (A, T, 62)            0-0
14.  FC Porto                (H, T, 90)            4-0         2 goals (29, 73p/ 2, 4-0)
15.  Borussia Dortmund       (H, S, 52)            2-0
16.  FC Juventus             (N, S, 89)            1-0

Champions League 1998-1999
17.  Sturm Graz              (H, S, 74)            6-1
18.  Sturm Graz              (A, S, 62)            5-1         1 goal  (74/ 5-1)
19.  FC Internazionale       (A, S, 88)            1-3
20.  Dynamo Kiev             (H, S, 76)            1-1
21.  Dynamo Kiev             (A, S, 67)            0-2

Champions League 1999-2000
22.  AC Fiorentina           (A, T, 61)            0-0
23.  AIK Solna               (H, T, 90)            3-1         1 goal  (90/ 3-1)
24.  FC Barcelona            (A, S, 75)            1-1
25.  FC Barcelona            (H, S, 75)            2-4
26.  AC Fiorentina           (H, S, 74)            0-1
27.  AIK Solna               (A, T, 78)            3-2         1 goal  (56/ 3-1)
UEFA Cup 1999-2000
28.  FC Nantes               (H, S, 72)            3-0
29.  FC Nantes               (A, S, 70)            3-3
30.  Deportivo La Coruña     (H, S, 76)            5-1
31.  Deportivo La Coruña     (A, S, 78)            1-2
32.  Werder Bremen           (H, S, 75)            2-0
33.  RC Lens                 (H, S, 83)            1-0
34.  Galatasaray SK          (N, S, 113)           0-0 1-4

Results by season:
1990-1991: eliminated by Atalanta in the First Round of the UEFA Cup.
1991-1992: eliminated by Trabzonspor in the First Round of the UEFA Cup.
1995-1996: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 3rd Round of the UEFA Cup by FC Barcelona.
1997-1998: winner of the Champions League over Juventus.
1998-1999: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Champions League by Dynamo Kiev.
1999-2000: 3rd of Group B in the First Group Stage of the Champions League; qualified for the UEFA Cup; beaten in the UEFA Cup Final by Galatasaray SK (pso, missed his pk as 1st shooter of his team, 2nd shooter overall).

Best results and stats:
Winner of the Champions League in 1998.
Runner-up of the UEFA Cup in 2000.
18 matches/ 7 goals in Champions League. 16 matches/ 4 goals in UEFA Cup.

Intercontinental Cup:

 1.  Vasco da Gama           (N, S, 90)             2-1

1 match, 1 title.

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Davor Suker - Real Madrid CF

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