mercredi 16 mars 2016

Lothar Emmerich & Sigfried Held - Detailed stats in European Cups

Emmerich & Held

Lothar Emmerich - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches for Ballspielverein Borussia 09 Dortmund.

Champions Cup 1963-1964
 1.  Lyn Oslo                (A, T, 90)            4-2         1 goal  (15/ 1-0)
 2.  SL Benfica              (A, T, 90)            1-2
 3.  SL Benfica              (H, T, 90)            5-0
 4.  Dukla Praha             (A, T, 90)            4-0
 5.  Dukla Praha             (H, T, 90)            1-3
 6.  FC Internazionale       (H, T, 90)            2-2
 7.  FC Internazionale       (A, T, 90)            0-2

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1964-1965
 8.  Girondins de Bordeaux   (H, T, 90)            4-1
 9.  Girondins de Bordeaux   (A, T, 90)            0-2
10.  Manchester United       (H, T, 90)            1-6

Cup Winners Cup 1965-1966
11.  Floriana FC             (A, T, 90)            5-1         1 goal  (27/ 1-0)
12.  Floriana FC             (H, T, 90)            8-0         6 goals (5p, 37.../...)           
13.  CSKA Sofia              (H, T, 90)            3-0
14.  CSKA Sofia              (A, T, 90)            2-4         1 goal  (39/ 2-1)
15.  Atlético Madrid         (A, T, 90)            1-1         1 goal  (58/ 1-0)
16.  Atlético Madrid         (H, T, 90)            1-0         1 goal  (16)
17.  West Ham United         (A, T, 90)            2-1         2 goals (80, 82/ 1-1, 2-1)
18.  West Ham United         (H, T, 90)            3-1         2 goals (1, 28/ 1, 2-0)
19.  Liverpool FC            (N, T, 120)           2-1 a.e.t

Cup Winners Cup 1966-1967
20.  Glasgow Rangers         (A, T, 90)            1-2
21.  Glasgow Rangers         (H, T, 90)            0-0

Results by season:
1963-1964: eliminated in the Semi-finals of the Champiosn Cup by Inter.
1964-1965: eliminated in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup by Manchester United.
1965-1966: winner of the Cup Winners Cup beating Liverpool in Final.
1966-1967: eliminated in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup by Rangers FC (had entered directly at this stage).

Best results and stats:
Winner of the Cup Winners Cup in 1966.
Semi-finalist of the Champions Cup in 1964.
7 matches/ 1 goal in Champions Cup. 11 matches/ 14 goals in Cup Winners Cup. 3 matches/ no goals in Fairs Cup.
4 goals cored in Cup Winners Cup' semi-finals (in 1966 against West Ham, 2 in each leg match).
Top Scorer of the Cup Winners Cup in 1966 with 14 goals (including 6 in one match, against Floriana FC).

© Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

Siegfried Held - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches for Ballspielverein Borussia 09 Dortmund.

Cup Winners Cup 1965-1966
 1.  Floriana FC             (A, T, 90)            5-1         2 goals (62, 64/ 3, 4-1)
 2.  Floriana FC             (H, T, 90)            8-0          
 3.  CSKA Sofia              (H, T, 90)            3-0         1 goal  (24/ 2-0)
 4.  CSKA Sofia              (A, T, 90)            2-4         1 goal  (24/ 1-1)
 5.  Atlético Madrid         (A, T, 90)            1-1
 6.  Atlético Madrid         (H, T, 90)            1-0
 7.  West Ham United         (A, T, 90)            2-1
 8.  West Ham United         (H, T, 90)            3-1
 9.  Liverpool FC            (N, T, 120)           2-1 a.e.t   1 goal  (61/ 1-0)

Cup Winners Cup 1966-1967

10.  Glasgow Rangers         (A, T, 90)            1-2
11.  Glasgow Rangers         (H, T, 90)            0-0

Results by season:
1965-1966: winner of the Cup Winners Cup beating Liverpool in Final.
1966-1967: eliminated in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup by Rangers FC (had entered directly at this stage).

Best results and stats:
Winner of the Cup Winners Cup in 1966.
11 matches/ 5 goals in Cup Winners Cup.
1 goal in a Cup Winners Cup Final (in 1966 against Liverpool).

Stats card © Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

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