lundi 14 mars 2016

Reinhard "Stan" Libuda - Detailed stats in European Cups

Reinhard "Stan" LIBUDA - Matches and goals in the European Cups.

Matches 1-10 for Ballspielverein Borussia Dortmund. Matches 11-17 for Fußball Club Schalke.

Cup Winners Cup 1965-1966
 1.  Floriana FC             (A, T, 90)            5-1
 2.  Floriana FC             (H, T, 90)            8-0
 3.  CSKA Sofia              (H, T, 90)            3-0
 4.  CSKA Sofia              (A, T, 90)            2-4
 5.  Atlético Madrid         (A, T, 90)            1-1
 6.  Atlético Madrid         (H, T, 90)            1-0
 7.  West Ham United         (A, T, 90)            2-1
 8.  West Ham United         (H, T, 90)            3-1
 9.  Liverpool FC            (H, T, 120)           2-1 a.e.t   1 goal  (109/ 2-1)

Cup Winners Cup 1966-1967
10.  Glasgow Rangers         (H, T, 90)            0-0

Cup Winners Cup 1969-1970
11.  Shamrock Rovers         (A, T, 90)            1-2
12.  Shamrock Rovers         (H, T, 90)            3-0         1 goal  (7/ 1-0)      
13.  IFK Norrköping          (A, T, 90)            0-0
14.  IFK Norrköping          (H, T, 90)            1-0
15.  NK Dinamo Zagreb        (H, T, 90)            1-0
16.  Manchester City         (H, T, 90)            1-0         1 goal  (77/ 1-0)
17.  Manchester City         (H, T, 90)            1-5         1 goal  (89/ 1-5)

Results by season:

1965-1966: winner of the Cup Winners Cup beating Liverpool in Final.
1966-1967: eliminated in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup by Rangers FC (had entered directly at this stage).
1969-1970: eliminated in the Semi-finals of the Cup Winners Cup by Manchester City. Manchester City beats Gornik Zabrze in Final.

Best results and stats:

Winner of the Cup Winners Cup in 1966.
Semi-finalist of the Cup Winners Cup in 1970.

1 goal in Cup winners Cup Final (the winner against Liverpool in 1966 in extra-time). 2 goals in Cup Winners Cup semi-finals (in 1970 against Manchester City).
17 matches/ 4 goals in the Cup Winners Cup.

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