samedi 6 août 2016

Jules Devaquez - Statistiques détaillées en Equipe de France

Jules DEVAQUEZ (né en 1899) - Matchs, Buts et Passes décisives en Equipe de France.

Jules DEVAQUEZ (born in 1899) - Matches, Goals and Assists in National Team.

#Match.__Année__Compétition/Amical__D/E/N__Adversaire__Score_____B--P (Cf indirect, direct, pen., dist.)
#Match.__Year__Competition/Friendly__H/A/N__Opponent__Score_____G--A  (indirect fk, direct, pen., dist.)
  2.__1920__Friendly__A__Switzerland_____2-0_____1--0  (close after a rush)
  4.__1920__Friendly__H__England Am._____0-5_____0--0
  7.__1921__Friendly__H__Ireland Am._____1-2_____0--0
  9.__1921__Friendly__A__Belgium_________1-3_____1--0  (direct free-kick)
 10.__1921__Friendly__H__England Am._____2-1_____1--0  (at the reception of a cross)
 12.__1922__Friendly__H__Belgium_________2-1_____1--0  (dribble and diagonal shoot)
 17.__1923__Friendly__H__England_________1-4_____1--0  (at 6 m. on a cross of Dubly)
 19.__1924__Friendly__H__England_________1-3_____1--0  (close on a ball released by the gk who was charged)
 23.__1925__Friendly__H__England_________2-3_____1--0  (charge on the gk)
 24.__1926__Friendly__H__Belgium_________4-3_____1--0  (dribble and shoot)
 28.__1926__Friendly__A__Belgium_________2-2_____1--0  (rush and shoot w/o angle at 15 m.)
 31.__1927__Friendly__A__Hungary_________1-13____1--0  (-)
 39.__1929__Friendly__H__England_________1-4_____1--0  (header on a cross of Nicolas)
 41.__1929__Friendly__A__Belgium_________1-4_____1--0  (shoot w/o angle)

 41 international games/ 12 goals (1 fk)/ 8 assists
Jeux Olympiques/ Olympic Games : 5/ 0/ 0 (3 participations).

Liste détaillée des passes décisives de Devaquez avec noms des buteurs (évidemment invériafble sur film).
Detailed list of Devaquez' assists with scorers' names (obviously unverifiable on film).

Italy 1920 in the Friendly (cross to Bard) - Switzerland 1923 (cross to Dubly) - Yugoslavia 1926 (through-pass to Gallay)
- Italy 1927 (deviation with the head to Taisne, cross to Sottiault and Devaquez is even involved in all the three goals as the second goal by Taisne was consecutive of one of the his charges on the goalkeeper, here Combi) - Switzerland 1928 (cross to P. Nicolas) - Hungary 1929 (cross to P. Nicolas) - Portugal 1929 (cross to Galey)

Jules Devaquez surname was often wrongly written Dewaquez.
Le nom de famille figurant sur l'état civil de l'international français était Devaquez avec un "v" mais a été largement écrit, à tort, avec un "w".

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Voir aussi/ see also :
Wingers of Yesterday & Today Part  2/3 (evolution of the role)
Wingers of Yesterday & Today Part  3/3 (profiles of players)


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