dimanche 12 février 2017

Robert & Alfred Körner - Detailed stats in European Cups

Robert Körner - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches with SK Rapid Wien.

Champions Cup 1955-1956
 1.  AC Milan                   (H, T, 90)            1-1
 2.  AC Milan                   (A, T, 90)            2-7

Champions Cup 1956-1957
 3.  Real Madrid CF             (A, T, 90)            2-4
 4.  Real Madrid CF             (H, T, 90)            3-1
 5.  Real Madrid CF             (A, T, 90)            0-2

Champions Cup 1957-1958
 6.  AC Milan                   (A, T, 90)            1-4

Results by season:

1955-1956: eliminated in Quarter-finals of the champions Cup by AC Milan.
1956-1957: eliminated in the R. of 16/ 2nd R. of the Champions cup by Real Madrid. Entered directly at this stage.
1957-1958: elminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by Milan AC.

Individual stats:
6 matches/ no goals in Champions Cup.

© Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

Alfred Körner/ Körner II

Alfred Körner - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches with Rapid Wien.

Champions Cup 1955-1956
 1.  PSV Eindhoven              (H, T, 90)            6-1         3 goals (12, 62, 82/ 1-0, 5-1, 6)
 2.  PSV Eindhoven              (A, T, 90)            0-1
 3.  AC Milan                   (H, T, 90)            1-1         1 goal  (26p/ 1-1)

Champions Cup 1956-1957
 4.  Real Madrid CF             (A, T, 90)            2-4
 5.  Real Madrid CF             (H, T, 90)            3-1
 6.  Real Madrid CF             (A, T, 90)            0-2

Champions Cup 1957-1958
 7.  AC Milan                   (A, T, 90)            1-4
 8.  AC Milan                   (H, T, 90)            5-2         1 goal  (1-0)
 9.  AC Milan                   (A, T, 90)            2-4

Results by season:
1955-1956: eliminated in Quarter-finals of the champions Cup by AC Milan.
1956-1957: eliminated in the R. of 16/ 2nd R. of the Champions cup by Real Madrid. Entered directly at this stage.
1957-1958: elminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by Milan AC.

Individual stats:
9 matches/ 5 goals in Champions Cup.

© Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

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