Les stats d'un joueur qui était vraiment dans tous les coups de 1989 à 1991.
Christian PEREZ - Matchs, Buts et Passes décisives en Equipe de France.
Christian PEREZ - Matches, Goals and Assists in National Team.
#Match.__Année__Compétition/Amical__D/E/N__Adversaire__Score_____B--P (Cf indirect, direct, pen., dist.)
#Match.__Year__Competition/Friendly__H/A/N__Opponent__Score_____G--A (indirect fk, direct, pen., dist.)
1.__1988__WC Qual.__A__Yugoslavia______2-3_____1--1 (deft ball above the gk at the 6 m)
2.__1989__WC Qual.__A__Scotland________0-2_____0--0
3.__1989__WC Qual.__H__Yugoslavia______0-0_____0--0
5.__1989__WC Qual.__A__Norway__________1-1_____0--0
6.__1989__WC Qual.__H__Scotland________3-0_____0--1
7.__1989__WC Qual.__H__Cyprus__________2-0_____0--0
10.__1990__Euro Qu.__A__Iceland_________2-1_____0--1
11.__1990__Euro Qu.__A__Albania_________1-0_____0--1
12.__1991__Friendly__A__Poland__________5-1_____1--1 (drag-back and shoot at close-range)
13.__1991__Euro Qu.__A__Czechoslovakia__2-1_____0--2
14.__1991__Euro Qu.__A__Spain___________2-1_____0--0
15.__1991__Euro Qu.__H__Iceland_________3-1_____0--1
20.__1992__EURO CH.__N__Sweden__________1-1_____0--1
21.__1992__EURO CH.__N__England_________0-0_____0--0
22.__1992__EURO CH.__N__Denmark_________1-2_____0--0
22 internationals, 2 goals, 10 assists.
World Cup : -
Euro Champ.: 3/ 0/ 1.
Liste détaillée des passes décisives d'Amoros avec noms des buteurs.
Detailed list of Amoros assists with scorers' names.
Yougoslavia 1988 (cross for Sauzée) - Scotland 1989 (deviation in one touch for Deschamps) - Hungary 1990 (coss for a header by Cantona) - Iceland 1990 (cross for Papin) - Albania 1990 (corner-kick for a header by Boli)- Poland 1991 (pass in the depth for Blanc) - Czechoslovakia x2 (long aerial ball for a volley-goal by Papin and a pass on the floor from centre of the field, in the depth, for Papin again) - Iceland 1991 (cross for a volley by Simba) - Sweden 1992 (long diagonal pass from the half-way line for Papin).
Pré-passe décisives:
Iceland 1990 (his ck is deviated by Blanc with the head for Cantona to conclude).
"Demi passes-décisives" :
"Half-assists" :
Sweden 1989 x2 (shoot released by the gk, Cantona follows... then a cross slow down by a defender which was probably destined to the centre or the far post but finally arives on Papin, at the near post).
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