mercredi 18 mai 2016

Milan Galić - Detailed stats in European Cups

 Galić - Partizan

Milan Galic- Matches and goals in the European Cups.

Matches 1-3 with Beograd XI. Matches #4 and #10 with Crvena Zvezda. Matches 5-9 and 11-19 with FK Partizan. Matches 20-35 with Standard de Liège.

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1958-1960
 1.  Chelsea FC              (A, T, 90)         0-1

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1960-1961
 2.  Leipziger Auswahl       (H, T, 90)         4-1
 3.  FC Internazionale       (H, T, 90)         1-0

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1961-1962
 4.  Espanyol Barcelona      (H, T, 90)         5-0         1 goal  (49/ 3-0)
Champions Cup 1961-1962
 5.  Sporting CP             (A, T, 90)         1-1
 6.  Sporting CP             (H, T, 90)         2-0
 7.  FC Juventus             (H, T, 90)         1-2
 8.  FC Juventus             (A, T, 90)         0-5

Champions Cup 1962-1963
 9.  CDNA Sofia              (H, T, 90)         1-4         1 goal  (70/ 1-2)
Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1962-1963
10.  FC Barcelona            (A, T, 90)         0-1

Champions Cup 1963-1964
11.  Anorthosis Famagusta    (H, T, 90)         3-0         1 goal  (88/ 3-0)
12.  Anorthosis Famagusta    (H, T, 90)         3-1         1 goal  (25/ 1-1)
13.  Jeunesse Esch           (A, T, 90)         1-2         1 goal  (33/ 1-1)
14.  Jeunesse Esch           (H, T, 90)         6-2         1 goal  (57/ 4-1)
15.  FC Internazionale       (H, T, 90)         0-2
16.  FC Internazionale       (A, T, 90)         1-2

Champions Cup 1965-1966
17.  FC Nantes               (H, T, 90)         2-0         1 goal  (37/ 1-0)
18.  FC Nantes               (A, T, 90)         2-2         1 goal  (48/ 2-1)
19.  Real Madrid CF          (N, T, 90)         1-2

Cup Winners Cup 1966-1967
20.  BSG Chemie Leipzig      (A, T, 90)         1-2         1 goal   (43/ 1-2)
21.  BSG Chemie Leipzig      (H, T, 90)         1-0
22.  Raba ETO Györ           (H, T, 90)         2-0
23.  Bayern München          (A, T, 90)         0-2
24.  Bayern München          (H, T, 90)         1-3         1 goal  (32/ 1-1)

Cup Winners Cup 1967-1968
25.  Altay Izmir             (A, T, 90)         3-2
26.  Altay Izmir             (H, T, 90)         0-0
27.  Aberdeen FC             (H, T, 90)         3-0
28.  Aberdeen FC             (A, T, 90)         0-2

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1968-1969
29.  Leeds United            (A, T, 90)         2-3         1 goal  (50/ 2-0)

Champions Cup 1969-1970
30.  KS 17 Nentori Tirana    (H, T, 90)         3-0
31.  KS 17 Nentori Tirana    (A, T, 90)         1-1         1 goal  (60/ 1-0)
32.  Real Madrid CF          (H, T, 90)         1-0
33.  Real Madrid CF          (A, S, 68)         3-2         1 goal  (68/ 3-2)
34.  Leeds United            (H, T, 90)         0-1
35.  Leeds United            (A, T, 90)         0-1

Results by season:
1958-1960: Galic played 1 match in the Quarter-finals of the Fairs Cup (1959). Beograd XI is beaten in the Semi-finals by FC Barcelona. Barça beats Birmingham City in Final.
1960-1961: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Fairs Cup by Inter Milan.
1961-1962: helped Crvena Zvezda to qualify to the Fairs Cup Semi-finals where they are eliminated by FC Barcelona (Valencia beats Barça in Final). Round of 16/ Second Round of the Champions Cup with his club of origin, Crvena Zvezda (eliminated by Juventus).
1962-1963: eliminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by CDNA Sofia with FK Partizan. Eliminated by FC Barcelona in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup two months later with Crvena Zvezda.
1963-1964: eliminated by Inter Milan in the Quarter-finals of the Champions Cup.
1965-1966: beaten in the Champions Cup Final by Real Madrid. Galic played in the First Round and in the Final.
1966-1967: eliminated in the Semi-finals of the Cup Winners Cup by Bayern Munich. FC Bayern beats Rangers FC in Final.
1967-1968: Standard is eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Cup Winners Cup by Milan, without Galic.
1968-1969: eliminated in the First Round of the Fairs Cup by Leeds Utd.
1969-1970: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Champions Cup by Leeds Utd.

Best results and stats:
Runner-up of the Champions Cup in 1966.
Semi-finalist of the Cup Winners Cup in 1967.
Two times Semi-finalist of the Fairs Cup: in 1960 and in 1962 (played both times occasionaly for Crvena Zvezda, in the quarter-finals, but did not participate in the semis).
20 matches/ 9 goals in Champions Cup. 9 matches/ 2 goals in Cup Winners Cup. 6 matches/ 2 goals in Fairs Cup.
1 goal in Cup Winners Cup Semis (in 1967 against Bayern Munich).

© Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)


Real Madrid v Standard de Liège 1969, Second round of the Champions Cup 1969-1970. Galic has just entered the pitch that he definitively ensures the qualification of his team (1-0 for Standard in Liège) by scoring the goal of the 3-2 in Bernabeu for a new and decisive victory over the "Merengue". He is served by his fellow country-man Takac (who like him, played a part of  his career in France. Before joining Liège in his case when Galic made the journey in reverse) at the end end of a long one-two. This goal is at 3:15 :

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