jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Massimo Briaschi - Detailed stats in European Cups

Briaschi during the 1985 European Cup Final

Massimo Briaschi - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Match #1 with Lanerossi Vicenza. Matches 2-15 with FC Juventus.

UEFA Cup 1978-1979
 1.  Dukla Praha                (H, T, 81)            1-1       1 goal  (14/ 1-0)

Champions Cup 1984-1985
 2.  Ilves Tampere              (A, T, 83)            4-0
 3.  Ilves Tampere              (H, T, 90)            2-1
 4.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (H, T, 90)            2-0
 5.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (A, T, 90)            4-2       1 goal  (21/ 1-0)
 6.  Sparta Praha               (H, T, 90)            3-0       1 goal  (81/ 3-0)
 7.  Sparta Praha               (A, T, 87)            0-1
 8.  FC Gir. Bordeaux           (H, T, 90)            3-0       1 goal  (68/ 2-0)
 9.  FC Gir. Bordeaux           (A, T, 88)            0-2
10.  Liverpool FC               (N, T, 85)            1-0

Champions Cup 1985-1986
11.  FC Barcelona               (A, T, 09)            0-1

Champions Cup 1986-1987
12.  Valur Reykjavík            (H, T, 90)            7-0       1 goal  (78/ 7-0)
13.  Valur Reykjavík            (A, T, 90)            4-0
14.  Real Madrid CF             (A, T, 90)            0-1
15.  Real Madrid CF             (H, S, 79)            1-0 1-3

Results by season:
1978-1979: eliminaed by Dukla Praha in the First Round of the UEFA Cup.
1984-1985: winner of the Champions Cup over Liverpool.
1985-1986: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Champions Cup by FC Barcelona.
1986-1987: eliminated in the Round of 16/ Second Round of the Champions Cup by Real Madrid.

Best results and stats:
Winner of the Champions Cup in 1985.
14 matches/ 4 goals in Champions Cup. 1 match/ 1 goal in UEFA Cup;
1 goal in Champions Cup Semi-finals (in 1985 against Bordeaux).

European Supercup:

 1.  Liverpool FC              (H, T, 90)             2-0

1 match, 1 title. No goals.

Intercontinental Cup:

 1.  Argentinos Juniors        (N, S, 77)             2-2 4-2

1 match, 1 title. No goals.

© Football Yesterday & Today

1985, Juventus - Bordeaux, European Cup Semi-finals : launched by Platini, Briaschi destroys everything on his way and scores the second goal :

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