jeudi 8 septembre 2016

Tscheu La Ling - Detailed stats in European Cups

Tscheu La Ling - Ajax

Tscheu La Ling (or La Ling Tscheu) - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Matches 1-22 with Ajax Amsterdam. Matches #23 and 24 with Panathinaikos. Match #25 with Feyenoord.

UEFA Cup 1976-1977
 1.  Manchester United       (H, S, 80)         1-0
 2.  Manchester United       (A, T, 90)         0-2

Champions Cup 1977-1978
 3.  Lillestrøm SK           (H, T, 90)         4-0         2 goals (51, 72/ 3, 4)
 4.  Levski Sofia            (A, T, 66)         2-1
 5.  Levski Sofia            (H, T, 77)         2-1
 6.  FC Juventus             (H, T, 59)         1-1
 7.  FC Juventus             (A, S, 72)         1-1 0-3     1 goal  (80/ 1-1)

UEFA Cup 1978-1979
 8.  Athletic Bilbao         (A, T, 90)         0-2
 9.  Athletic Bilbao         (H, T, 90)         3-0
10.  Lausanne Sports         (H, T, 90)         1-0
11.  Lausanne Sports         (A, T, 90)         4-0
12.  Budapest Honved SE      (A, T, 70)         1-4
13.  Budapest Honved SE      (H, T, 90)         2-0

Champions Cup 1979-1980
14.  HJK Helsinki            (A, T, 90)         8-1         1 goal  (63/ 6-1)
15.  HJK Helsinki            (H, T, 37)         8-1
16.  Omonia Nikosia          (H, T, 90)        10-0
17.  Omonia Nikosia          (A, T, 90)         0-4
18.  RC Strasbourg           (A, S, 46)         0-0
19.  RC Strasbourg           (H, T, 90)         4-0         1 goal  (89/ 4-0)
20.  Nottingham Forest       (A, T, 58)         0-2
21.  Nottingham Forest       (H, T, 90)         1-0

Cup Winners Cup 1981-1982
22.  Tottenham Hotspur       (H, T, 90)         1-3

Cup Winners Cup 1982-1983
23.  Austria Wien            (A, T, 90)         0-2
24.  Austria Wien            (H, T, 90)         2-1

UEFA Cup 1985-1986
25.  Sporting CP             (H, T, 75)         2-1

Results by season:
1976-1977: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by Manchester United.
1977-1978: eliminated by Juventus in the Quarter-finals of the Champions cup. Missed his pk.
1978-1979: eliminated in the R. of 16/ 3rd R. of the UEFA Cup by Budapest Honved.
1979-1980: eliminated in the Semi-finals of the Champions Cup by Nottingham Forest. Forest beats HSV in Final.
1980-1981: Ajax is eliminated in the R. of 16/ 2nd R. of the Champions Cup by Bayern Munich. Without Tscheu La ling who did not play into the competition as he missed the beginning of the season.
1981-1982: eliminated in the the First Round of the Cup Winners Cup by Spurs.
1982-1983: eliminated in the the First Round of the Cup Winners Cup by Austria Wien.
1985-1986: eliminated in the the First Round of the UEFA Cup by Sporting Club Portugal.

Best results and stats:
Semi-finalist of the Champions Cup in 1980.
13 matches/ 5 goals in Champions Cup. 3 matches/ no goals in Cup Winners Cup. 9 matches/ no goals in UEFA Cup.

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