mercredi 21 septembre 2016

Justo Tejada - Detailed stats in European Cups

Tejada - Real

Justo Tejada Martínez - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Matches 1-12 with fC Barcelona. Matches 13-20 with Real Madrid CF.

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1955-1958
 1.  Stævnet København       (H, T, 90)         6-2       2 goals (32, 81/ 3-0, 6-2)
 2.  Birmingham City         (A, T, 90)         3-4       1 goal  (12/ 1-1)
 3.  Birmingham City         (H, T, 90)         1-0
 4.  Birmingham City         (N, T, 90)         2-1
 5.  London XI               (A, T, 90)         2-2       1 goal  (35/ 2-1)
 6.  London XI               (H, T, 90)         6-0

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1958-1960
 7.  Auswahl Basel           (A, T, 90)         2-1
 8.  FC Internazionale       (H, T, 90)         4-0
 9.  FC Internazionale       (A, T, 90)         4-2

Champions Cup 1960-1961
10.  Spartak Hradec Kralove   (H, T, 90)        4-0       2 goals (11, 64/ 1, 3-0)
11.  Spartak Hradec Kralove   (A, T, 90)        1-1      
Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1960-1961
12.  Zagreb XI

Champions Cup 1961-1962
13.  Budapesti Vasas          (A, T, 90)        2-0       2 goals (6, 28)
14.  Budapesti Vasas          (H, T, 90)        3-1       1 goal  (89/ 3-1)
15.  B 1913 Odense            (A, T, 90)        3-0       1 goal  (87/ 3-0)
16.  FC Juventus              (H, T, 90)        0-1
17.  FC Juventus              (N, T, 90)        3-1       1 goal  (82/ 3-1)
18.  Standard de Liège        (H, T, 90)        4-0       2 goals (38, 78/ 2, 4-0)
19.  Standard de Liège        (A, T, 90)        2-0
20.  SL Benfica               (N, T, 90)        3-5

Results by season:
1955-1958: winner of the Fairs Cup over by beating the London XI.
1958-1960: FC Barcelona won the Fairs Cup over Birmingham City. Tajada did not play in this competition after the quarter-finals.
1960-1961: Tejada participated in the quarter-finals of the Champions Cup then in the first round of the Fairs Cup. Barcelona lost to Benfica in the Champions Cup Final and in quarter-finals, in the Fairs Cup.
1961-1962: beaten in the Champions Cup Final, by Benfica.

Best results and stats:
Runner-up of the Champions Cup in 1962.
Winner of the Fairs Cup in 1958.

10 matches/ 9 goals in Champions Cup. 10 matches/ 4 goals in Fairs Cup.
2 goals in Champions Cup Semi-finals (in 1962 against Standard, in one match).

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