vendredi 9 septembre 2016

Gernot Rohr - Detailed stats in European Cups

Gernot Rohr in Bordeaux - Bilbao, 1984-85 Champions Cup

Gernot Rohr (born in 1953) - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Match # 1 with FC Bayern München. Matches 2-34 with FC Girondins de Bordeaux.

Champions Cup 1973-1974
 1.  Atvidabergs FF          (H, S, 79)         3-1

UEFA Cup 1981-1982
 2.  Vikingur Reykjavik      (A, T, 90)         4-0
 3.  Vikingur Reykjavik      (H, T, 90)         4-0
 4.  Hamburger SV            (H, T, 90)         2-1
 5.  Hamburger SV            (A, T, 62)         0-2

UEFA Cup 1982-1983
 6.  Hajduk Split            (A, T, 90)         1-4
 7.  Hajduk Split            (H, T, 90)         4-0         1 goal (24/ 1-0)
 8.  FC U Craiova            (A, T, 120)        0-2 a.e.t

UEFA Cup 1983-1984
 9.  Lokomotive Leipzig      (H, T, 90)         2-3
10.  Lokomotive Leipzig      (A, T, 90)         0-4

Champions Cup 1984-1985
11.  Athletic Bilbao         (H, T, 87)         3-2
12.  Athletic Bilbao         (A, T, 90)         0-0
13.  Dinamo Bucaresti        (H, T, 90)         1-0
14.  Dinamo Bucaresti        (A, T, 120)        1-1 a.e.t
15.  Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk    (H, T, 90)         1-1
16.  Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk    (A, T, 120)        1-1 5-3
17.  FC Juventus             (A, T, 90)         0-3
18.  FC Juventus             (H, T, 56)         2-0

Champions Cup 1985-1986
19.  Fenerbahçe SK           (H, T, 90)         2-3
20.  Fenerbahçe SK           (A, T, 90)         0-0

Cup Winners Cup 1986-1987
21.  Waterford United        (A, T, 90)         2-1
22.  Waterford United        (H, T, 90)         4-0
23.  SL Benfica              (H, T, 90)         1-0
24.  Torpedo Moskva          (H, S, 78)         1-0
25.  Torpedo Moskva          (A, T, 90)         2-3
26.  Lokomotive Leipzig      (H, T, 90)         0-1
27.  Lokomotive Leipzig      (A, T, 120)        1-0 5-6

Champions Cup 1987-1988
28.  Lillestrøm SK           (H, T, 90)         1-0
29.  PSV Eindhoven           (H, T, 46)         1-1

UEFA Cup 1988-1989
30.  Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk    (A, T, 90)         1-1
31.  Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk    (H, T, 46)         2-1
32.  Ujpesti Dozsa SC        (A, T, 90)         1-0
33.  Ujpesti Dozsa SC        (H, T, 37)         1-0
34.  SSC Napoli              (A, T, 90)         0-0

Results by season:
1973-1974: Rohr made one apperance in the 1st Round of a Champions Cup won for the first time by his club, Bayern, over Atlético de Madrid.
1981-1982: eliminated in the Second Round of the UEFA Cup by Hamburg.
1982-1983: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 3rd Round of the UEFA Cup by Universatitea Craiova.
1983-1984: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by Lok. Leipzig.
1984-1985: eliminated in Semi-finals of the Champions Cup by Juventus Turin.
1985-1986: eliminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by Fenerbahçe.
1986-1987: eliminated by Lok. Leipzig in Semi-finals of the Cup Winners Cup (scored his pk). Leipzig is beaten by Ajax in the Final.
1987-1988: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Champions Cup by PSV Eindhoven.
1988-1989: eliminated in the Round of 16/ 3rd Round of the UEFA Cup by Naples.

Best results and stats:
Semi-finalist of the Champions Cup in 1985.
Semi-finalist of the Cup winners Cup in 1987.
13 matches/ no goals in Champions Cup. 7 matches/ no goals in Cup Winners Cup. 14 matches/ 1 goal in UEFA Cup.

© Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

1982, UEFA Cup. Rohr is at the origin of the catching up of Hajduk by scoring the opener in Chaban-Delmas stadium (1-4 in Split, 4-0 in Bordeaux)

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